This little space is so darn neglected. I seem to never have anything to say, but it's not for lack of events, experiences or thoughts. I am just so busy doing that I don't sit down to write down what is on my mind.
Right now, we're getting ready for Geek.Kon. Although the event is less than 30 minutes away, we have a room booked at the Sheraton for the entire next weekend. I will bring along a laptop, several external hard drives, the Yashica TL Super, the Canon DSLR, a digital audio recorder, and the camcorder as well. My time will be split between recording photos, sounds and movements, and then going to the room to download the content and take a break from the fun-craziness of it all.
I am not dressing up this time. I did that once and it will probably be the only time that I do. (EVIDENCE HERE.) I prefer to be the invisible photographer in the corner, using a telescopic lens to capture unsuspecting guests.
The photo above is one of the wedding dresses from our prop closet, the one that X wore for the photo shoot in the river, when it was still warm outside. I love the dirtied dress and the river smell. I haven't yet been able to bring myself to wash it. Yes, that is kind of gross, but ... whatever.
The husband and I have the entire weekend to ourselves, with the exception of our nephew staying over last night. I'll broil tomatoes and salmon tonight, cook a little linguine, and drink a few beers. I'm trying to find a new-to-us movie to watch.
I am also looking for some orange to photograph for the photo challenge. If you're taking part, I have opened up a Flickr photo group for pictures of recipes (from The Women's Colony) that you have made or pictures for the challenge. You can find it HERE.
Have a lovely day.